Lettis Consultants International (LCI) is helping the mountain top city of Aizawl, the capital of northeast India’s Mizoram state, understand its seismic and landslide hazard risk. With funding from GeoHazards International and global reinsurer Munich Re, LCI Principal Engineering Geologist Kevin Clahan participated on a panel of local and international experts to assess the hazards associated with earthquakes and landsliding on the high risk community of Aizawl, India. The resulting report “A Safer Tomorrow? Effects of a Magnitude 7 Earthquake on Aizawl, Mizoram and Recommendations to Reduce Losses” is available through the following link. In addition to helping produce the Aizawl Seismic Scenario Report, LCI Principal Geologist Kevin Clahan helped launch the Landslide Policy Committee for Aizawl City, with municipal, state, and technical participants; helped the Committee create a landslide safety action plan; helped Aizawl Municipal Council write new site development regulations to control modifications that can destabilize slopes; and developed detailed landslide hazard maps and a landslide inventory, to form the basis of the city’s new land use policies and regulations. A summary of the project results was published in the December issue of The Leading Edge, the Society for Exploration Geophysicists’ magazine.