LCI professionals have wide-ranging experience conducting geologic hazard analyses for all types of facilities. LCI staff specialize in data integration, commonly using geologic, geomorphic, seismic, paleoseismic, and geospatial data to develop state-of-the-art geologic hazard characterizations for projects ranging from small targeted studies to multi-year projects. Our strong commitment to research ensures we are involved in the latest scientific developments to provide the most innovative solutions.

LCI has completed seismic hazard studies for nuclear power plants, oil & gas pipelines and offshore platforms, dams, LNG facilities, port terminals, water treatment plants, and other built structures.  Below is a list of the various investigations we typically perform, including:

  • Paleoseismology
  • Fault Activity Assessments/Alquist-Priolo Fault Studies
  • Seismotectonic Models
  • Structural Geology
  • Fault Kinematics
  • Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis
  • Subsurface Fault Geometry
  • Earthquake Induced Liquefaction
  • Post-Earthquake Investigations and Fault Rupture Mapping

We have completed seismic hazards projects throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia. A list of example projects completed by LCI staff is provided below:

  • CalTrans Surface-Fault Rupture Hazard Assessment of the Green Valley and Cordelia faults, Cordelia, California
  • Alameda County Water Agency Fault rupture evaluation
  • PG&E Long-Term Seismic Hazard Program SSHAC Level III