Brian Gray
Principal Geologist

Fault source characterization
Geologic mapping
Tectonic and Quaternary geomorphology
Engineering geology/landslide hazards

Mr. Gray joined LCI as a staff geologist in 2011, shortly after the company’s founding. Brian has successfully applied his research background in paleoseismology, geomorphology, and neotectonics to develop his expertise in characterizing active faults for seismic and fault rupture hazard studies. His work at LCI has been focused on evaluating fault-related hazards for critical infrastructure facilities including nuclear power plants, water storage and conveyance systems, and oil and gas pipelines.

Key Projects:
Pit No. 3 Dam and Hydrofacility, Surface Fault Rupture Assessment, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
Oroville Emergency Response and Recovery, California Department of Water Resources
Long Term Seismic Program Update, Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, PG&E
Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis for the Jinshan, Kuosheng, and Maanshan Nuclear Power Plants, Taiwan