Ivan Wong
Senior Principal Seismologist

Engineering seismology
Seismic hazard

Mr. Wong joined LCI in 2016 and is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in seismic hazard and seismic risk evaluations with more than 47 years of experience in the fields of seismology and seismic geology with an emphasis on studies in seismicity, seismotectonics, and earthquake ground motions. Ivan has directed and participated in seismological and geological studies and research for the seismic hazard assessments and seismic design of more than 700 important and critical facilities in the United States and worldwide. A major focus in his career has been earthquake hazard reduction, education, and public outreach. Ivan was appointed to the Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission and serves on several national and international working groups and committees.

Key Projects:
Site-specific seismic hazard analyses of the Clinch River Small Modular Reactor, Tennessee
Development of ground motion models for Hawaii under the U.S. Geological Survey National
Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
Development of seismic design criteria for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oroville Comprehensive Needs Assessment, California Department of Water Resources
Development of seismic design ground motions for multiple tall buildings in Salt Lake City, Utah