Chelsea Blanton
Project Geologist
– Paleoseismology
– Geomorphology
– Neotectonics
– Engineering geology
– Remote Pilot Certificate holder
Ms. Blanton joined LCI in 2019 and has a well-rounded background in general geology, geomorphology, neotectonics, and geospatial technologies. Her graduate work involved extensive collection of highresolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery along the southern San Andreas fault (SAF) to generate a database of geomorphic offset features and develop a slip distribution for the Coachella Valley segment of the SAF. At the Valencia office, Chelsea has continued to work on a variety of active fault hazard projects as well as engineering geology problems incorporating aerial photograph and lidar interpretation, continuous core logging, and advanced GIS applications.
Key Projects:
– Pyramid Dam Spillways Investigation, California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
– Castaic Dam Spillway Expansive Shale Study, DWR
– Sepulveda Feeder Fault Hazard Displacement Analysis, Metropolitan Water District of Southern
– Orange County Sanitation District Plant No. 2 Fault Location Study
– Pool 17/18 Geomorphic Mapping, DWR