Qimin Wu
Project Seismologist
Seismic hazard analysis
Ground motion characterization
Induced seismicity
Time history development

Dr. Wu joined LCI in 2020 with post-doctoral research experience on earthquake source processes, seismic hazard, and induced seismicity. He has extensive experience analyzing earthquake ground motion data to characterize earthquake source parameters (e.g., earthquake detection and location, focal mechanism, stress drop, rupture directivity) and ground motion attenuation characteristics for seismic hazard assessment. His primary focus at LCI has included probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA and DSHA), and time history development.

Key Projects:
PSHA and Time History Development for Fresnillo Mine, Mexico
PSHA and DSHA for Pinto Valley Mine, Arizona
Time History Development for University of California, Berkeley
Ground Motion Estimation at Facility Sites near Anchorage, Alaska
Site-Specific Seismic Hazard Analysis and Development of Seismic Design Ground Motions for the
Aliamanu Military Reservation, Oahu, Hawaii